Appointments with God are not marked in our calendars
Why not?
By the latest at the beginning of a new year almost every person has a calendar for this special year. All important dates are being marked there. Some are the same every year like e.g. birthdays of family members and of friends. Yet there are also dates and appointments that are unique and specific for this special year. Some are important, some are essential. Again and again we are looking at our calendars, and many people make all their planning according to their dates in their calendars.
Yet what if something extraordinary happens? Would such an event throw all our planning upside down.
What about our dates with God? What at all are dates with God?
To my opinion there are no co-incidents in life. God has everything in his hands.
A date with God may be a sudden event through which God wants to tell us something. It may be a tragic or a joyful one. It may be death. It may even happen that Jesus will come again. What then?
The disciples once asked Jesus when He would come back.
When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to speak with him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen? And what will be the signal for your coming and the end of the ages?" (Matthew 24,3)
This is the answer of Jesus.
"Heaven and earth will pass away; my words will never pass away. But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son; only the Father." (Matthew 24,35 - 36)
There are many more passages in the New Testament of the Bible that report about the return of Jesus.
Apart from this very special moment when Jesus will come back there is the moment of death for each of us. This date with God usually comes very surprisingly. Are we ready then to stand in front of Him?
Here is a video clip that puts precisely this question.